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How many Channel Packages of CloudTV? (有多少個頻道包?)


We are support 4 Channel Package of CloudTV: (我們支持 4 個頻道包)

  • Standard (中港包)
  • Premium (豪華包)
  • Indian Golden (印度包)
  • English (英語包)

1.) Standard (中港包) - 184 Popular TV Channels (184 個高品質 和 穩定 熱門電視頻道)

2.) Premium (豪華包) - 279 Popular TV Channels (279 個高品質 和 穩定 熱門電視頻道)

3.) Indian Golden (印度包) - 107 Popular TV Channels (107 個高品質 和 穩定 熱門電視頻道)

4.) English (英語包) - 60 Popular TV Channels (60 個高品質 和 穩定 熱門電視頻道)


How many Channel Lists for each package ( Channel Lists )

Select suitable Channel Packages for subscribe ( How to subscribe? )

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How can subscribe CloudTV Channel Packages?
Article details
Article ID: 6
Category: Channel Packages and Lists (頻道包 及 節目表)
Date added: 2015-03-25 03:18:11
Views: 7424
Rating (Votes): Article rated 2.8/5.0 (59)

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