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Download and Installation (下載 及 安裝)
How to download the CloudTV apps? (怎樣下載 CloudTV 軟件?)
Channel Packages and Lists (頻道包 及 節目表)
How many Channel Lists of CloudTV?
How many Channel Packages of CloudTV? (有多少個頻道包?)
Subscribe Channel Packages
How can subscribe CloudTV Channel Packages?
Subscribe a Packages via Alipay (支付宝)
Payment Methods (付款方法)
We are accept 2 payment methods
Register and Login (註冊 及 登入)
How to Login my Account? (如何 登入我的帳號)
How to Register Account? (如何 註冊帳號)
Bind and Unbind Device ID (綁定 及 解除綁定)
How to Bind the Device on your Account? (如何在帳號內綁定 設備序列號 )
How to Unbind the Device on your Account? (如何在帳號內 解除設備)
Upgrade Packages (升級 頻道包)
How to upgrade Premium Package from Standard? (如何由 中港包 升級到 豪華包)
Transfer Period (轉移 收視期)
How to transfer period to another device? ( 如何轉移收視期 到另一設備 )
Others (其他)
How can get the CloudTV Device ID (Serial Number)?
How can check the Version of CloudTV?
How to share our website to your Social Network?

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